Message From Employer April 1


In case you do not have access to your work email, please see the email from David Calder copied below.

We will continue to pass along information as we are made aware.

Stay safe,
On Behalf of Local 1882
From: David Calder
Sent: Wednesday, April 1, 2020 9:58 AM
Subject: Message from the City Manager – April 1, 2020

Good morning everyone

This is a quick note to let you know that we will be officially announcing the extension of the closure of municipal facilities and cancellations of programs and events until May 4. This is in line with the provincial announcement yesterday to extend the closure of public schools. The attached news release will be issued to media shortly.

This decision was reached jointly with our neighbouring municipalities in an ongoing effort to be consistent across the Region.

Additionally, the provincial government issued a new emergency order to close all outdoor recreation spaces and amenities across Ontario. For us, this includes all sports fields, basketball and volleyball courts, tennis courts, baseball diamonds, community gardens, and the dog park on Maple Grove Road. I understand closure signs are being placed in these areas today.

I know this is difficult news. Many of you are juggling work duties with life at home with children and other family members. This is not easy. Even with your individual situations, concerns and a changing world, you have continued to provide quality public service in these difficult times.

Please make sure you are reaching out to your supervisors and managers to keep updated on all the changes – which seem to be by the hour! – and to be in touch with your colleagues, even over a virtual coffee. Just because we are physically apart does not mean you can’t stay connected.

Again, please keep checking the intranet page. Q&As are updated frequently.

Stay safe, practice physical distancing and wash your hands.

Media_release_COVID-19-April 1-2020

Need support? City of Cambridge staff and family members eligible for EFAP

All City of Cambridge staff, including those who don’t have employee benefits, and their family members, are eligible for Homewood Health’s Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP).

In addition to general tips for managing the impact of anxiety, EFAP offers access to self-paced, web-based solutions designed to treat anxiety and/or mild cases of depression, with structured programs to help manage anxiety using cognitive behavioural therapy.

See your personal email from CUPE1882 (dated March 25) or your work email (dated March 24) on how to access i-Volve, and other support services.

Letter from Fred Hahn, President, CUPE Ontario, to local leaders in OMERS

To Local leaders in OMERS,

Thank you for all you are doing to keep our province safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Below, you will find a copy of a letter CUPE Ontario sent to OMERS yesterday. During this time, CUPE Ontario believes the last thing our members and leaders should have to be focus on is a threat to their pensions.

We’ve communicated as much to OMERS, asking that the June vote on a proposal to get rid of 100% inflation indexing be postponed. We will update you as soon as we hear back from OMERS.

Stay safe and don’t hesitate to reach out to CUPE Ontario for any help needed.

In Solidarity,

Fred Hahn, President, CUPE Ontario


As COVID-19 guidelines come from all levels of government, it’s normal to experience anxiety

As additional prevention guidelines continue to come from all levels of government, it’s normal to experience feelings of anxiety.

All City staff, including those who don’t have employee benefits, and their family members, are eligible for Homewood Health’s Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP).

In addition to general tips for managing the impact of anxiety (links below), EFAP provides you access to i-volve, a self-paced, web-based solution designed to treat anxiety and/or mild cases of depression, offering structured programs to help manage anxiety using cognitive behavioural therapy (a current best-practice treatment approach for these conditions).

See your personal email from CUPE1882 (dated March 25) or your work email (dated March 24) on how to access i-Volve, and other support services.

Homewood Health – Anxiety Support Programs

Homewood Health – Managing the impact

Protect Yourself from COVID-19 Email Scams

With COVID-19 top of mind for everyone, online scammers are taking advantage of public fear by sending malicious emails.

Some of the scams to be on the lookout for:
Emails that appear to be from organizations such as CDC or WHO; the emails contain malicious phishing links or dangerous attachments.
Emails that ask for charity donations for victims affected by COVD-19.
Emails with “new” or “updated” list of COVD-19 cases in your area. These emails could contain dangerous links and information designed to scare you into clicking the link.

Remain cautious! Never click on links or download attachments from an email that you weren’t expecting. If you receive a suspicious email that appears to come from an official organization such as the WHO or CDC, report the email to the official organization through their website. If you want to make a charity donation, go to the charity website of your choice to submit your payment. Type the charity’s web address in your browser instead of clicking on any links in emails, or other messages.

Are your symptoms of anxiety (in association with COVID-19) causing you significant distress?

Are you snapping at others? Feeling irritated? Trouble sleeping? These are signs that you are overwhelmed and struggling with your stress and anxiety.
The same is true if you are on opposite end (hopelessness, cynicism, helplessness).
Its okay to seek help.
As the situation with COVID-19 continues, it is important to consider your psychological health and safety. Here are 2 resources to assist you:

* The Canadian Mental Health Association offers tips to support mental health amid concerns of COVID-19 pandemic
* Homewood is our Employee and Family Assistance Program provider. Their services remain available.

COVID – 19 Update March 17

This morning the Ontario government declared a state of emergency in the province and a series of new actions to combat the spread of COVID-19 and prevent coronavirus from overwhelming the health-care system. As well, yesterday Prime Minister Justin Trudeau advised that “all Canadians as much as possible, should stay home” and that “it’s time to take every precaution to keep people safe.”

Closure of Municipal Offices, Satellite Offices and Facilities:
Effective 4:30 p.m. on March 17, 2020, all remaining City of Cambridge municipal facilities currently open to the public will be closed, up to and including April 5, unless public access is required to deliver critical services.
See your work or personal email for work details. Please take some time to discuss further with your immediate supervisor or manager to clarify any questions.

CUPE LOCAL 1882 – Bargaining Update Feb

Dear Members,

Your 1882 bargaining team presented proposed contract improvements to the Collective Agreement to the employer on Jan 22, 2020. We have been meeting with the employer and continue to sign off on a number of items. We will meet with the employer again in March to continue negotiations.

Please wear your CUPE button in solidarity

In Solidarity
Your Local 1882 Bargaining Team

NEW! We have a newsletter!

Happy Holidays!

Thank you for making this past year an excellent one for our union!

As your executive, we are working towards improving our communication and engagement with you, our members, and so we share this 2019 Year in Review as information for you on what has happened and what 2020 has in store for us.

We appreciate all you do and wish you and your family a happy, safe and prosperous holiday!