1882 union executive election: Tues. Oct . 9, 4:45 pm

Our President’s term is done! Thank you Warren Shaw and 1882 Executive for guiding us through our last Labour dispute and negotiating our current Collective Agreement.

As unionized workers, we benefit from the work of those who went before us – our wages, benefits, and rights were won at the bargaining table. They were not “given” to us.
We owe a lot to the members of the union who preceded us. We have come a long way! But our day-to-day experiences show that we have further to go. We not only need to defend our legacy, but we must build on it too.
The more we support each other the more successful we will be.

Join us as we chose our new 1882 Union Leaders – elect your new executive to lead us in the next round of negotiations and say farewell to Warren Shaw and his team!

  • when: Tues. Oct 9, 2018. 4:45 pm – 6 pm
  • where: Young Room, 2nd Fl. City Hall
  • who: all City of Cambridge Local 1882 inside workers

OMERS Pension changes; will negatively impact on your retirement

Attention all OMERS Pension members:

The OMERS Sponsors Board wants to make changes to your pension that will have a significantly negative impact on your retirement. You can find the detail here.

There are a number of things we need to do to stop these changes from going ahead.

Send a new email to the chairs of the OMERS Sponsors Board and let them know you do not want them to go ahead with the proposed changes. Click here to send the email.

Write to your employer right away to let them know that if they are planning to hold any workplace OMERS meetings that you expect them to notify and include the local union.

for more info visit https://cupe.on.ca/omers-guaranteed-indexing/

CUPE Ontario

$500 Scholarship from Local 1882!

Offering financial assistance for the advancement of education though scholarship, to eligible members in good standing of CUPE Local 1882 and their families, presented annually.
Eligibility: Family of current members for at least two (2) continuous years of CUPE Local 1882.
Amount: up to two (2) Scholarships of $500.00.
Apply! Download the package SCHOLARSHIP Package – Local 1882, or pick one up from a member of your CUPE 1882 executive.

Deadline: submissions must be received at the Local by July 31, 2018.
Successful recipients will be notified in September. Award is paid directly to the beneficiary.

1882 Family Picnic

The 1882 Family Picnic was on Saturday June 9, 2018, at Forbes Park (Hespeler).  CUPE 1882 members and their families turned out for the BBQ, enjoying the splash pad, playground equipment, and park’s open green space.

If you are interested in helping out with one of the many Cupe Family events we have throughout the year, please send email to Jason: 1882atlarge3@gmail.com

In preparation for next falls’ negotiations…

Help us negotiate for you!  We are looking for three members from 1882 membership to join the survey/pre-bargaining committee in preparation for next falls’ negotiations.
Commitment is approx 10 meetings over the next 6 months to set up questions to present to the membership and then compile the results for the bargaining committee. Meetings would be after work in the union office.  For more information, please contact Jennifer Wrzala 1882atlarge1@gmail.com

Day of Mourning

Join us on April 28 as we pay our respects to, and remember, the thousands of workers who have been killed, injured or suffered illness as a result of work-related incidents.

When: Saturday April 28th 10:30-11:30am
Where: Riverside Park (Workers’ Memorial in Riverside Park beside King Street in Preston)
49 King St W,
Cambridge (Preston), ON N3H

Note: If interested in helping out please send email to: 1882cs@gmail.co

The People Plan working group

Nicole Walker and Lisa Chominiec are our 1882 volunteer reps on the People Plan, a new joint employer-employee project. This committee is examining the employer’s feedback initiatives and the employee’s surveys. Thank you Nicole and Lisa; we’re looking forward to hearing about this project’s outcomes.

NEW! The Local 1882 Scholarship program!

This Award offers financial assistance for the advancement of education though scholarship, to eligible members in good standing of CUPE Local 1882 and their families, presented annually.

Eligibility: Family of current members in good standing for at least two (2) continuous years of CUPE Local 1882.
Type and Amount of Award: up to two (2) Scholarships of $500.00 awarded yearly.
Selection method: the Selection Committee will review all submissions and reserve the right to conduct interviews if deemed necessary.
How to Apply: download a form from the resources page, or pick one up from a member of your CUPE 1882 executive.
Deadline: submissions must be received at the Local by July 31, 2018.
Notification & payment: successful recipients will be notified in September of 2018. Award is paid directly to the beneficiary.