We hope that you and your family are well. We are coming to the end of our 3rd week in quarantine – thank you for doing your part to help flatten the curve on COVID-19.
Our employer has extended facility closures until May 4th. To you, as a Local 1882 member, this means it is status quo until otherwise notified (continue working from home, coming into the office or waiting at home for call back or redeployment).
Part-time non-union staff and summer temp positions (roughly effecting 440 people), will be laid off effective April 13th. The federal government has put funding in place to help those affected by this pandemic which these staff will have access to (CERB or EI).
April membership meeting is cancelled. Given the current environment, all CUPE Education, Conferences and Conventions are cancelled until the end of May. There have been no Employee Relations meetings since December, and the current deadlines for the 2020 Job Evaluation Maintenance Cycle (Corporate Enterprise and Office of the City Manager) are postponed with no new date given for JAQ submission. All events that the Executive was going to participate in or sponsor have been cancelled, or will be rescheduled. Current grievance timelines are suspended and grievance procedures are paused for now.
Negotiations scheduled for March and April were cancelled, however, the Bargaining Team has been successful in bargaining and have moved to the next phase with the exchange of the monetary proposals. Your Bargaining team is still working hard on this front to continue the process.
Your Union Executive understands the stress and struggles that you are going through, whether in self-isolation, working from home without the usual comforts of the office environment and trying to look after kids, or caring for a sick or loved one who is affected by COVID 19 as we too as experiencing the same things.
As an employee of the City of Cambridge, there are tools that you can access if you need help to cope with the stresses that you and/or family may be experiencing:
Lastly, Your Union is here for you, so please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Stay safe and be well!
In Solidarity