In case you do not have access to your work email, please see the email from David Calder copied below.
We will continue to pass along information as we are made aware.
Stay safe,
On Behalf of Local 1882
From: David Calder
Sent: Wednesday, April 1, 2020 9:58 AM
Subject: Message from the City Manager – April 1, 2020
Good morning everyone
This is a quick note to let you know that we will be officially announcing the extension of the closure of municipal facilities and cancellations of programs and events until May 4. This is in line with the provincial announcement yesterday to extend the closure of public schools. The attached news release will be issued to media shortly.
This decision was reached jointly with our neighbouring municipalities in an ongoing effort to be consistent across the Region.
Additionally, the provincial government issued a new emergency order to close all outdoor recreation spaces and amenities across Ontario. For us, this includes all sports fields, basketball and volleyball courts, tennis courts, baseball diamonds, community gardens, and the dog park on Maple Grove Road. I understand closure signs are being placed in these areas today.
I know this is difficult news. Many of you are juggling work duties with life at home with children and other family members. This is not easy. Even with your individual situations, concerns and a changing world, you have continued to provide quality public service in these difficult times.
Please make sure you are reaching out to your supervisors and managers to keep updated on all the changes – which seem to be by the hour! – and to be in touch with your colleagues, even over a virtual coffee. Just because we are physically apart does not mean you can’t stay connected.
Again, please keep checking the intranet page. Q&As are updated frequently.
Stay safe, practice physical distancing and wash your hands.