With the recent announcements that the provincial and local regional government have announced with regards to the rollout of vaccination and clinic locations, we all will be able to move another step forwards in keeping us and our loved ones safe from COVID-19.
You may have some questions in terms of the vaccine and how that affects you and your working environment when you eventually return to work (for those who are still working from home and who have been working in the office all this time).
Any and all questions are important to ask so that you are informed.
We are using a form (link was sent to your personal email address on the weekend) to track your questions. Your questions will remain anonymous and will be submitted on the membership’s behalf. This is a reminder to submit any questions by Tuesday, March 16th, 2021.
As always, if you have any questions or comments in general never hesitate to reach out to the Executive.
Stay Safe!
In Solidarity
Your 1882 Executive